Our mission is to consolidate and coordinate the efforts of the Russian language and area studies in order to enhance and expand Russian studies in the region, provide professional and moral support for existing programs, and to create new programs of need and interest to students at all levels of public, private, secondary, and higher educational institutions. The additional benefits would be an exchange of educational programs, ideas, and techniques.
CARTA officially includes the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas but is open for professionals from other states.

- Apr 04, 2025, 8:00 AM CST – Apr 06, 2025, 2:00 PM CSTKansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza, 4445 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111, USA
«Проходит год, как день,
То длится день, как год,
И, оглянувшись, можно убедиться,
Что время то ползет,
То медленно идёт,
То будто слишком быстро мчится...»
(Леонид Утёсов)
March, 2025
Dear CARTA Loyal Community,
Thank you for your love, nurturing, and dedication to our Association, for allowing it to be and to grow by attending CARTA Conferences year after year to share your latest research findings and achievements, for instilling a love for Russian Studies in your students, for preparing materials to exhibit, and for investing your time, effort, and finances to make our annual gatherings successful. Equally, if not more important, your participation has facilitated the growth of CARTA’s legacy, preserving the spirit of a family, sharing ups and downs, praising each other’s victories, and grieving together the losses of loved ones.
Precisely those features were at the heart of CARTA’s 26th Conference in early April 2024. For the second time in a row, Oklahoma acted as a host state, opening the riches of its second-largest city, Tulsa, to the attendees. The enthusiastic Local Committee, led by Maria Yevtushenko, was on hand to make the participants feel welcome and comfortable. They provided flowers and transportation to the events outside the hotel, arranged for beautiful Tulsa University folders, and helped with the many important things that made the Conference run smoothly. I would be remiss if I did not extend our thanks and appreciation to a donor, who chose to remain anonymous, for providing a substantial sum of money to allow holding a nice Opening Reception at the hotel.
A week before the Reception, two important things happened: a Virtual Session for International colleagues and the fourth Yevgeniy Yevtushenko Poetry Recital Contest. The first event allowed us to listen to papers presented by our international colleagues, while the second gave an opportunity to students from several universities and a high school to show their talents in reciting beautiful Russian verses.
Friday, the first Conference Day at the venue, turned out to be really busy. The Board began its work early in the morning. In the afternoon, a group of twenty gathered for a tour of the Woody Guthrie Museum. We were fortunate to have a very artistic and passionate tour guide who recited many known and less-known lines from Woody’s songs while offering his personal comments demonstrating the relevance of those works for today’s life. From there, the group moved to the Yevgeniy Yevtushenko commemorative bench located in Woodward Park, where we raised a Champagne toast to the memory of that great poet. Zhenya Yevtushenko, Junior, then recited his dad’s very famous poem «Идут белые снеги ...».
The day climaxed with an Opening Reception with savory food and drinks, providing a relaxing atmosphere while the guests enjoyed an excellent performance by ECU Showtime and a skit presented by ECU students. The group cheered the bravest who accepted my invitation to dance “Letka-jenka” with me and my students.
The following Saturday and Sunday were regular “work days” filled with sessions, discussions, exhibits, Awards presentations, and traditional get-togethers after hours as we all worked for our common goals. For example, after listening to a paper on Yevgeniy Vodolazkin, participants could purchase a copy of his work from one of CARTA’s exhibitors, Bergstrom Press. On Saturday evening, Zhenya Yevtushenko hosted a Poetry Parlor giving an opportunity to those who attended to read Russian classic poems as well as their own compositions. That was a lovely evening, one of the highlights of an outstanding Conference!
In closing, I would like to express my deepest appreciation and thank you to the CARTA Board, presenters, exhibitors, performers, Journal and Newsletter editors, contest judges, and volunteers. We should also remember the donors and sponsors who provided auction items and door prizes, helping to create this professional feast for all of us!
As I am writing this letter, the preparations are underway for the CARTA Conference 2025.
I look forward to seeing you in Kansas City!
Mara Sukholutskaya, CARTA President
We are always happy to hear from you
Professor Mara Sukholutskaya
CARTA President
Department of English and Languages,
East Central University,
PMB W-7, Ada, OK 74820
(580) 559-5293