Dear Friends,
On behalf of the CARTA Board, I invite you to attend the 27th annual Conference that will take place in Kansas City, Missouri,
April 4-6, 2025.
Let’s gather in Kansas City in spring to salute our services to the US students and educators in the field of Russian Language, Literature, and Culture and to recognize our colleagues’ contribution to the field.
We look forward to seeing you at the 27th Conference!
Mara Sukholutskaya, President,
on behalf of the CARTA’s Board

Please join us for the 27th CARTA conference! Send proposals for individual papers, complete panels, and roundtables on the Russian language, literature, history, social sciences, culture, methodology, and related topics no later than January 15, 2025. Proposals may be mailed or sent electronically.
INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS: CARTA will host ONE virtual session for international members only on Saturday, March 29, 9:00-11:00 Central Daylight Time (GMT -5), via Zoom. The link will be provided for registered conference participants.
POETRY RECITAL CONTEST: In 2025, CARTA will continue hosting a pre-conference Poetry Recital Contest. The description and rules will be sent in a separate mailing.
Registration includes the opening reception on Friday night, conference luncheon on Saturday, Sunday breakfast, keynote address, and cultural program.
The conference will be held at the 4445 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Rooms have been pre-booked at the special rate of $145, single or double occupancy. Breakfast is included with the room rate. Make your reservations no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, by calling the hotel at 800-810-3708 and ask for the CARTA Room Block.

Click to download the forms
Mail or email the completed forms no later than January 15, 2025
to Dr. Mara Sukholutskaya, CARTA President
Department of English and Languages, East Central University,
PMB W-7, Ada, OK 74820
Please pre-register no later than March 1, 2025, in order to receive a link to the virtual session and to avoid the on-site registration fee
International Virtual
Retired Member
CARTA Member Participant
Non-Member Participant
On-site Registration
Mail a check payable to CARTA to Professor Mara Sukholutskaya, CARTA, Department of English and Languages, East Central University, PMB W-7, Ada, OK, 74820.
You can pay with your PayPal account to centralrussianteachers@gmail.com
To avoid the fee, please use the "Sending to a friend" option through your bank